Cosplay Poetry

Something a bit different!


the proceeding comments and criticisms

may come as exceedingly geeky.

Listen at your own discretion and risk

of otaku exposure.

To the cosplayers

who 'ooh' and 'ah'

over barely acceptable costumes,

to the cosplayers

who fill convention centers with

the hot air of their unfounded fawning

like so many of Miyazaki's soot-sprites,

to the cosplayers

who comment carat-eyed

on subpar costumes simply because

the character is rarely endeavored:

Have some damned standards.

Every cosplayer bold enough

to pose as glittering gold

is not that precious substance

if their wrappings reek of brass.

You scour con-spaces like your last name is Ketchum

and the first peek you get

gets you throwing that ball like

"I choose you, unearned hyperbolic response!"

What happened to quality?

Were we cursed overnight like so many Sohmas,

who instead of shifting shapes

acquire costume-stoked low standards?

What happened?

I'm not saying betray your fandom,

and I'm not saying you shouldn't be excited

to see a beloved character cosplayed


but if someone wears velvet and

tries to call it fur,

I try not to call them something

worse than they deserve

for swerving so inexcusably far from

the clearly textured blueprint,

for turning Kimahri's hirsute blue

into cheap cerulean spandex,

for turning Sailor Moon into

bloated bait for resident trolls,

for overshadowing greater efforts

with advantageous

but heinous


For the sake of the fandom, Usagi, and cosplay,

please have some commitment to quality.

The preceding comments and criticisms

were, without doubt, exceedingly geeky.

In listening to this imploring poetry,

the listener's nerditude has garnered XP.

The listener has leveled up!

Read more at:

Carter & Davis, 12 Pike St, New York, NY 10002, (541) 754-3010
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